Wednesday 16 January 2013

And then there was Miley -.-

Miley Cyrus
7 hours-ish

I know, I know, why would I ever draw Miley Cyrus? I swear, I really am a cool girl. The truth of the matter is, when I was going through high school I had the COOLEST friend ever (her name is Alley and she works at CP24 now) and that girl was freakin' obsessed with Miley. At the time I found it ridiculous, but looking back... ah, I'm smiling at the thought of her.

Anyways, it was her birthday and 18 year old me was broke so I made her this. And she was in love with it. And that's all the matters.

We're still friends, some of the best in the world. I designed her tattoo. <3 :)

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