Wednesday 16 January 2013


Angelina Jolie
Pencil (Duh)
7 hours

So out of the blue one day when I was 18 I decided I wanted to try drawing a portrait. For some ridiculous reason the only person I could think of drawing was Angie here, which is a bit weird because I've never really been fascinated by her or anything. I just liked how she looked.

So I began my very first portrait ever, and I just wanted to develop any skill I had with shading, hair, texture... naturally I'm SO far from being even a tiny bit perfect, but once I finished I realized ONE day I maybe could be amazing at this. I was fairly impressed with this. And I learned so much!

Looking back on it, I guess I should probably draw more portraits... I mean, how can I be amazing at it if I stopped when I was 18? Gr. I'm an idiot.

Yes, I stopped all pencil work from 2010-present.

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