Wednesday 16 January 2013

The TORONTO skyline
16x20 (aka HUGE)
Stippling w/.25mm ink
45 hours

So I met this man who is a huge-time boss in the financial district in Toronto. He is from New York. He asked me to do a piece for him of the Toronto skyline, and I agreed. And once again, I chose stippling...

This picture basically doesn't do this piece justice. This piece has approximately 750 000 TINY dots, and because of all the detail in Toronto, it took me forever. I estimated 20 hours, and it took me double that time.

Whenever I tried scanning this, or taking photos, it sort of makes 5-7 dots look like one single dot so all the detail and depth is lost, which is upsetting because it looks incredible. A few people saw this and offered me, on the spot, a couple grand.

In person, this is the shit, and it is definitely my motivation to start drawing again.

A man at Blacks suggested that I start a blog with all my pieces, and add to it as I create. So here I go. =)

I hope you like everything!

And then there was Miley -.-

Miley Cyrus
7 hours-ish

I know, I know, why would I ever draw Miley Cyrus? I swear, I really am a cool girl. The truth of the matter is, when I was going through high school I had the COOLEST friend ever (her name is Alley and she works at CP24 now) and that girl was freakin' obsessed with Miley. At the time I found it ridiculous, but looking back... ah, I'm smiling at the thought of her.

Anyways, it was her birthday and 18 year old me was broke so I made her this. And she was in love with it. And that's all the matters.

We're still friends, some of the best in the world. I designed her tattoo. <3 :)


Angelina Jolie
Pencil (Duh)
7 hours

So out of the blue one day when I was 18 I decided I wanted to try drawing a portrait. For some ridiculous reason the only person I could think of drawing was Angie here, which is a bit weird because I've never really been fascinated by her or anything. I just liked how she looked.

So I began my very first portrait ever, and I just wanted to develop any skill I had with shading, hair, texture... naturally I'm SO far from being even a tiny bit perfect, but once I finished I realized ONE day I maybe could be amazing at this. I was fairly impressed with this. And I learned so much!

Looking back on it, I guess I should probably draw more portraits... I mean, how can I be amazing at it if I stopped when I was 18? Gr. I'm an idiot.

Yes, I stopped all pencil work from 2010-present.

Yes, it IS from Twilight

Twilight Book Cover
Stippling w/.5mm ink
13 hours

I don't know how I ended up doing this cover... I swear I was going through this hand fetish thing and... gah, I just can't argue it. It's from Twilight, sorry. But I can honestly say I can appreciate the symbolism at least a little bit. This is my second serious stippling piece and it didn't take as long as I had expected since I was using a thicker ink. I accidentally purchased the second smallest size ink point so it actually isn't as detailed as I would have preferred, looking back on it. But I'm still pretty happy with it.

Go me! Oh, in 2009 I was 17.

Durer Praying Hands in Stippling

Durer Praying Hands
Stippling w/.25mm ink
18 hours

This was my very first serious pen and ink piece, and I chose the most difficult style of pen and ink work to do this. Stippling is when you create an image from a cluster of dots, and in this case I used those dots to create a gradient which definitely adds depth. I was extremely proud of this, and it definitely is the reason I plan to pursue art with my focus being pen and ink. =)